News: Nintendo & AOL Giving Away Dream Prize

Three people are getting a trip to E3, VIP passes, and the chance to be the first to play Revolution, live on stage at the Nintendo press conference. Wowza.

Starting tonight at noon ET/9am PT (that's around six in the evening GMT) AOL will launch one of the most amazing competitions any fanboy could dream for. Three lucky, lucky winners will win a trip to E3, and live at Nintendo's conference, one of them will be picked on stage to be the first consumer to play the Revolution.

Sling in 3 days/2 nights in LA, VIP passes to the whole event, plus a Nintendo DS and New Super Mario Bros., and we think it's a pretty decent competition. The only drawback is it's only open to people from the US. Bugger.

But if you are from across the pond (and 18 or over), you'll be wanting to click this link here to get in on the action. Good luck!

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