News: Nintendo Breakfast 2002

Nintendo announced today their 2002 European Press Breakfast. Hmmm sounds delicious!

Gaming media from across Europe will be invited to the presentation, which takes place on the morning of Thursday 29 August at The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, London.

Once breakfast plates are filled, the presentation will begin� Guests will include David Gosen, Managing Director, Nintendo of Europe, a specially recorded address from Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo Co. Ltd, and a very special guest from America. Together they will be looking at the recent runaway successes of NINTENDO GAMECUBE and Game Boy Advance, and looking ahead to the growing range of fantastic games across the platforms, and an even brighter Christmas and future beyond.

They will also take a close look at the illustrious 22 year career of Mario, which still today shows no signs of abating. This is a big year for the world's most famous pixellated plumber, with his finest incarnation yet to come to NINTENDO GAMECUBE, Super Mario Sunshine.

There will be exclusive gameplay & preview footage, as well as playable versions of Super Mario Sunshine and other forthcoming titles. But we mustn't forget the breakfast itself of course � while more commonly known for his great games, rumour has it Mario fries a mean egg. Sunny side up, naturally.

Hmmm, nice! Free breakfast!

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