News: Nintendo Bringing One Piece 3DS to Europe

Posted 22 Dec 2011 at 15:02 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo continues the Valentine's love-in with Namco Bandai...
Straight after confirming that it will release Tekken 3D: Prime Edition in February, Nintendo of Europe has announced that it will also be bringing over One Piece: Unlimited Cruise Special on 3DS.
Like how all these deals seem to work, Nintendo will be responsible for the sales, marketing and distribution of the game when it releases on February 10th 2012.
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise Special is a 3DS port of the "classic Wii game" One Piece Unlimited Cruise Part 1: Adventure Beneath the Waves, with extra features added. The first print run of the game will also reward early buyers with a special edition figurine.
Nintendo's full press release is below.
Based on the popular manga and anime series, One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special brings Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw-Hat Pirates to Nintendo 3DS for the first time. The action-adventure game allows you to explore four strange islands, battling familiar One Piece enemies in real time. With over 50 hours of gameplay and brand new modes to master, fans of the series will have hours of fun. Battle enemies, collect items and create new useful tools from the things you find on the way to discovering the islands' hidden mysteries.As you explore the various islands you'll be able to switch between each of the nine Straw-Hat Pirates at almost any time to best suit the situation. Each of the nine main characters has their own customisable controls and new attacks that can be unlocked as you progress through the game.
New to One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special, Marineford Mode allows you to take on the role of various characters in a series of one-on-one battles based on the events of the Marineford arc of the manga and anime. You can look forward to playing as some of your favourite characters and mastering each one's unique and individual moves and abilities.
Make sure you snap up your copy of One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special early, as the first print run of the game will be bundled with a limited-edition collectable figurine of Portgas D. Ace. Grab a copy of One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special to find out about this character's role in the game.
Take control of the Straw-Hat Pirates and explore the world of One Piece when One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special launches across Europe on 10th February exclusively for Nintendo 3DS.
The game's official website has also opened here.