News: Nintendo Bringing The Goods to MCM Expo

Posted 24 May 2012 at 18:48 by Aaron Clegg
Get down to the London Comic Con this weekend and enjoy the UK debut of Kingdom Hearts 3D, and much more!
If you're in London this weekend, it might be worth getting down to the London Comic Con at MCM Expo, because Nintendo is taking a hoard of playable good stuff.
The expo is at Excel London, and runs from May 25th to 27th - that's Friday to Sunday. Nintendo is in attendance, and will be providing UK debuts of Square-Enix's Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance on 3DS and Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise on Wii.
Also playable will be Heroes of Ruin, Mario Tennis Open and Project Zero 2: Wii Edition.
There will also be a special Kid Icarus Uprising booth with a swap shop and battle table for the game's special AR cards.
Finally, there's going to be a special on-stage "activity" for Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise. Nintendo is being pretty cryptic about what this entails, but recommends anyone who wants to get in on the fun bring a pair of dancing shoes.
Tickets for the expo can be bought at the official site.