News: Nintendo Declares StreetPass Day

Posted 02 Jun 2011 at 15:17 by Aaron Clegg
Help organise your own StreetPass meet-ups! Head inside to find out how...
As part of their long-term strategy to push the wireless content-sharing StreetPass feature of the 3DS, Nintendo are letting you organise your own meet-ups to swap data with other gamers.
The company has teamed up with the Meetup Everywhere service and is declaring Saturday June 25th to be StreetPass day. 3DS owners on both sides of the Atlantic can head over to the event's official website and opt-in to their nearest community. You can also share awareness for the event across Facebook and Twitter in order to bring more people along.
User-organised events are pretty untested waters for Nintendo, so it'll be interesting to see how successful this is. It goes without saying 3DS owners will get more out of this the more people get involved, so hop to it!