News: Nintendo Dominates UK Hardware

GAME together with Gfk-Chart Track showed UK's console install base as of January 2009 and as usual Nintendo is at the top.

UK home console install base has reached 10 million units as of January 3rd 2009 as opposed to the 4.7 million units reported at the same month last year. Wii leads the charge gobbling up nearly half the total sales with 4.9 million units followed by Xbox 360 with 3.2 million sold and PS3 reaching 1.9 million.

In the handheld front total sales jumped from 8 million to 12 million units with DS sales accounting for 8.8 million and PSP 3.2 million consoles. So in neat list form for easier viewing, here are the total hardware sales in UK for the five main consoles:

  • DS - 8.8 million
  • Wii - 4.9 million
  • 360 - 3.2 million
  • PSP - 3.2 million
  • PS3 - 1.9 million

Pretty good numbers showing total console install base reaching 22 million, but will the video game market prove to be recession proof as some have stated? Only time will tell.

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