News: Nintendo Don't Deny Next DS Info

Nintendo respond to Nikkei's article, without a denial in sight...

With the interweb abuzz with the prospect of new Nintendo hardware in the offing, Nintendo have been quick to comment - twice - on yesterday's report in the Nikkei Japanese newspaper.

First up, Nintendo of Japan responded earlier today by stating rather plainly: "We are always developing new products. However, since nothing has been announced officially, we are unable to comment at this time." This was then later expanded upon further:

"The Nikkei newspaper wrote a recent story about a DS solely based upon their own research and speculation, without interviewing Nintendo. While Nintendo is always working on new hardware, we have not made any announcement about a DS and we cannot comment on the Nikkei story."

What we seem to have here is a definite refusal to deny these reports. Indeed, the admission from Nintendo themselves that the respected Nikkei paper has been doing their homework is particularly telling. Has the cat been let out of the bag before Nintendo were ready to announce it themselves? We have a feeling we won't be waiting too long now to find out.

Keep it locked, faithful readers!

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