News: Nintendo Enjoys Record Sales in Spain

Posted 18 Jan 2011 at 22:09 by Ashley Jones
New figures show that Nintendo are doing very well in Spain.
It would appear that there is no stopping Nintendo in Spain. Revogamers has reported on new figures that have been released that shows just how well Nintendo are doing in Spain.
The DS has become the biggest selling handheld ever in the country, recently passing the 5.3 million sales mark. This means that the DS now accounts for 68% of the total handheld market in Spain. Unfortunately the DSi XL suffered stock shortages over the Christmas period but that doesn't seem to have slowed down eager shoppers.
It is not just the DS that is enjoying success in Spain as the Wii is currently the most successful of the current generation home consoles. In 2009% the Wii accounted for 50.2% of the total home console sales in Spain and while this is down a bit in 2010, to 50%, it is still certainly an impressive performance.
Overall sales for 2010 were down from 2009 but Nintendo still account for the majority of the hardware market, currently at 55.7%, down from 60.7% in 2009. Software sales dipped to below the 50% mark for Nitnendo in 2010 but overall Spanish gamers purchased 6% more hardware and software in 2010 compared to 2009.