News: Nintendo Explains Wii 2 Silence

Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata has stated that Nintendo are working on the Wii 2 but have yet to unveil anything for fear of being copied.

It is quite obvious that Nintendo will be working on their next console, particularly given the success of the Wii, but there has been little discussion from Nintendo about anything so far.

Iwata addressed the issue during Nintendo's annual shareholder meeting and reassured investors that a great deal of work is already under way on the Wii's successor.

"We are of course studying and developing the next console to Wii," Iwata stated. "However, there is a big difference between studying a product and announcing what it is and when we will release it."

Iwata addressed the reasons why directly, claiming fear of imitation is a big reason for the silence. "I am afraid to say that the history of entertainment is also the history of imitation. A great idea will promptly be copied unless protected through patents."

It was also claimed that surprise is vital to keep interests at an optimal level, as nothing falters interest more than having to wait. So it seems we'll have to wait (without knowledge, which is apparently for the best) for news on Nintendo's next console for now but it should all be worth it in the end.

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