News: Nintendo Focused on Holidays

Posted 12 Nov 2010 at 08:31 by Ashley Jones
Reggie Fils-Aime has stated that "the holidays are more important to Nintendo than to other manufacturers".
Nintendo of America's president Reggie Fils-Aime has claimed that in spite of direct competition from PlayStation Move and Kinect they are not worried about them this holiday season. Mr. Fils-Aime has claimed that Nintendo are focused on the holiday season more than their competitors are.
Gamautra have quoted Reggie Fils-Aime from the BMO Capital Markets Annual Digital Entertainment Conference in New York.
"The holidays are more important to Nintendo than to other manufacturers. We have a distinct edge when it comes to gift-giving, and it's no doubt because of the familiarity and recognition of both our brand and key franchises."
He then commented that unlike their competitors a large percentage of their sales last year were from the last two months. While 44% of Nintendo's total sales for 2009 were accounted for during November and December 2009 their competitors' sales during this period only accounted for 33%.
Citing NPD sales figures Reggie Fils-Aime also mentioned that Nintendo have sold 43.1 million Nintendo DS hardware units and 30.4 million Wiis in the U.S., while the Xbox 360 has only sold 21.9 million units and the PS3 has sold 13.5 million units.