News: Nintendo iQue Images and Details

Head inside for the first iQue images, release dates, and games!

Thanks to our sponsor Lik-Sang we can show you the first picture taken from the iQue, tell you about the games, and inform you of the release dates.

The iQue is Nintendo's new console they have announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2003. The controller-style console plugs directly into the TV and comes with a 64 Mega Bytes Flash Memory Card to store the games.

The launch unit will contain a 64MBytes Flash Card, the AV cable, a power supply (220V), the power cord and 5 games pre-recorded on the card. Included are 5 games. Unfortunately, only Doctor Mario will be a full version. Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time (10 hours), Mario 64 (7 hours), Wave Race (1 hour) and Star Fox (1 hour) are time limited demo versions. It is indeed a very new systems.

No other titles have been officially confirmed as of yet, but the N64 has got lots of great titles. Full versions of games cost 48Yuan/US$6.

The iQue is slated for a release friday next week in Shanghai, and will later hit other parts of China.

Hence the first picture taken of the mysterious iQue...

Lik Sang ships two sets. (1) iQue Player with the full version of Doctor Mario and Mario 64 and trial versions of Star Fox, Zelda 64 and Wave Race for US$ 99.90, and (2) the IQue Player with the full version of all the games for US$ 129.90

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