News: Nintendo Issue Statement About 3DS Error

Posted 29 Mar 2011 at 06:03 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo has issued a statement about the 'black screen of death' problem some users have been having with their 3DS consoles.
Since the 3DS was released last week a few users have been facing a problem that has been dubbed the' black screen of death'. It seems that in a few instances the console presents the user with white text against a black screen that instructs the user to power off and start again.
According to Nintendo's suggestion the console should be updated, which we reported on last week, and if that doesn't help then they should contact Nintendo's customer service.
"If anyone is experiencing any problems with their Nintendo 3DS console, we recommend that in the first instance they download and install the latest system update, now available online. If the problems still persist we recommend they contact their local Nintendo Customer Service centre to investigate the problem further."