News: Nintendo Livestreaming Multiple E3 Events

Posted 21 May 2012 at 19:35 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo will for the first time show a post-conference presentation on its website...
In a sign of just how much Nintendo is preparing to divulge on Wii U at E3, the company has revealed that it will be providing coverage of more than just the press conference.
On Nintendo's official E3 site, the traditional conference will be live-streamed on June 5th (5pm GMT/6pm CET), but a further event will also be streamed. Dubbed simply "Software Showcase", expect comprehensive coverage of the forthcoming Wii U line-up. This goes live one June 6th at 6pm PDT, which is 2am GMT/3am CET on June 7th.
Not only that, the official site will also be providing coverage of a developer roundtable hosted by Katsuya Eguchi, who is credited as "Wii U hardware producer". That goes up at 7:30am GMT/8:30am CET on June 6th.
Naturally N-Europe will be covering all the events' revelations as they hit.