News: Nintendo loses Fire case

Nintendo sued the makers of a strategy-RPG called Emblem Saga due to it's similarities to Fire Emblem, but unfortunately lost.

Fire Emblem is a very successful RPG developed by Nintendo's sencond party, Intelligent Systems, and publised by Nintendo. Those who haven't played and Fire Emblem games will probably know two of its characters, Marth and Roy, from Super Smash Bros. Melee. Nintendo's latest Fire Emblem game will be released soon on GBA, entitled 'Fire Emblem: The Sword of the Seal'.

Many Japanese people were led to believe that Emblem Saga, which is made by Enterbrain, was part of the Fire Emblem series, helping to boost sales by a considerable amount.

Nintendo unfortunately lost the case, but does plan to appeal. Due to Japan's court system, however, it may be a while before you hear of it.

Most likely due to the case, Enterbrain have changed the name of their game to ' Tearing Saga'.

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