News: Nintendo Media Summit Info

More info revealed about mystery media event...

Rumours have started to circulate that new information both Smash Bros. Brawl and Metroid: Prime Corruption is due to revealed very soon.

The suggestion is that a media event will take place prior to E for All Show, so that the press can get their hands on games media for their magazines due to hit whilst he show is on. Apparently "The Media Summit will take place May 22 (all invitees) and May 23 (pre-approved long-lead only invitees on embargo"(quote taken from a Neogaf thread)

This potentially means that on the 23rd, certain games will be shown off that will be under embargo. With selected magazines and sites not allowed to print details until the embargo is lifted, however the information given on the 22nd will be shown to all. Why the secrecy, what could be set for unveiling on the 23rd that is so special?! Only time will tell...

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