News: Nintendo Not Online

Nintendo have announced that there will be no 1st party online games at E3.

At the launch of the GBA SP in London Computer and Video Games asked Nintendo of Europe's PR Shelly Friend several questions. Some of them were focused on the subject of E3 and online games. Shelly Friend announced that there won't be 1st party online games at E3, a big suprise.

"Online is what everyone is currently focusing on, but that does not necessarily mean that it is here and now. The fact that all these games can be playable online doesn't mean people will be. It's a nice, sexy thing to talk about but I think the reality is a little way off."She told C&VG."I know our stance always seems like we're dissing it or ignoring it, but Nintendo's been looking at connectivity and online elements for many, many years - probably a lot longer than anyone else - and is continuing to. Nintendo is about making things mass market and we do not see this yet as mass market. If online can bring that element of unique surprising gameplay, then it will form a part of Nintendo's plans, but until that is ready then we won't." She continued. But when asked if there will be any titles on show at this years E3 in May she replied with a brief, "No." She then added, "I think the key thing now is that we're focusing on games that everyone can play,"

This puts a stop to all the Mario Kart Online theories but it seems that Nintendo might announce some kind of LAN connectivity but Shelly Friend did not wish to comment on this at the present.

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