News: Nintendo Of America Confirm Delays

Posted 26 Apr 2010 at 09:05 by Aaron Clegg
Metroid and Sin & Punishment see small delays in North America...
After rumours of delays for two of Nintendo's big Summer hitters, we thought it would be best to hold fire on the news until an official confirmation. Now though, Nintendo has released a statement regarding the big titles.
In North America, Sin & Punishment 2 has been delayed from June 6th to June 27th. Meanwhile, Metroid: Other M will now see a release on August 31st, rather than the previously-announced June 27th.
As far as is confirmed, the European date for Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies remains unchanged as May 7th. Our Metroid: Other M date is still a vague 'Q3'.
Update 26/4: Nintendo have now confirmed that the US delays of these titles will not affect their respective launch dates in Europe. Eurogamer reveal that PAL release plans remain "unchanged".
We'll bring you more on the state of these games if any further developments occur.