News: Nintendo Power's Moon In The Open

Posted 27 May 2008 at 17:32 by Paul Muchmore
The mysteries of Nintendo Power's next issue moon are revealed! It's not Zelda. Or Harvest Moon� bah!
Statistics show that most human beings have brains. If you're one of those people, you're likely to remember the moon that we reported was featured in the back of the last Nintendo Power, supposedly hinting at what would be revealed in the next issue. If you're not one of those people, well, now we've reminded you.
More to the point, the new issue of Nintendo Power has now hit the newsstands, and on the cover is� Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia. It's not quite the Harvest Moon we were expecting, or a new Zelda, but hey! According to our pals over at Nintendo Everything, the letters section of the magazine explains 'Well, see, the moon itself was a clue about this month's Castlevania cover game! Um� get it? (Gulp) Okay, so we stretched things by hinting that clues could be found "in" the moon � it was all Steve's fault!'
Well, that's the end of that!