News: Nintendo Power Over The Moon

The official American Nintendo magazine are teasing readers with an advert for next month's issue, which contains a red moon supposedly riddled with clues.

Here at N-Europe Towers, we have grown to be somewhat skeptical of magazines teasing exclusives over the years. ONM's little fiasco involving a certain flying jester last year would be enough to turn anyone into a cynic. In the latest issue of Nintendo Power, those cryptic journalists have teased readers with the image of a red moon (our own Moon, specifically).

If you believe, they put a man on the moon - man on the moon!

Fans are already speculating as to what Nintendo Power could be insinuating. A red moon traditionally signifies a 'harvest moon' (need we say more?), but surely that would be too obvious. Several eagle-eyed observers have claimed that the game(s) the magazine is hinting at could be anything from Earthbound to Star Fox, Golden Sun, or maybe even the spectacular looking Moon for the DS.

Our own theory?

"That's no moon..."

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