News: Nintendo Press Conference Leipzig

Nintendo announced Micro, Play-Yan, DS colours, and more. Click for a summary of Nintendo's press conference.

Nintendo's press conference at the Games Convention in Leipzig is a wrap! Read on for a summary of what has been announced...

As reported earlier Nintendo announced the European release date (November 4th) and price (69 quid) for the Game Boy. The company also said it will be releasing the handheld in four colours. Click here to check out the dedicated news article containing more info and screens.

Nintendo continued the conference announcing it is releasing Mario Smash Football bundled with a pearl white GameCube. We like the sound of that! For more information on the announcement click here.

Nintendo also announced (again) it is releasing the Play-Yan in Europe, which allows you to play MP3 and MPG4 files through your Game Boy or DS. A date has yet to be determined.

Even more interesting is the fact Nintendo announced it will be releasing two new DS colours in Europe! The new colours will be Pink and Blue and are slated for a release on October 7th.

It was said that the DS has already shifted 160,000 in Germany alone! Celebrating this Nintendo continued saying it is planning in releasing Mario Kart for the Nintendo DS November 11th. Also, the non-games Brain Exercise and Brain Train will hit the European shelves this year.

And that was it regarding the press conference! Unfortunately, no news on the Revolution, but we did get some sweet announcements from Nintendo of Europe. More as it breaks.

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