News: Nintendo Reconfirms Upcoming Releases

Posted 26 Apr 2011 at 10:55 by Aaron Clegg
Zelda, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus and more still set to flesh out 2011...
Nintendo has punctually updated its release schedule for the year, and it looks like the 3DS is finally getting some original first-party love; hopefully towards the second half of 2011.
3DS entries in the Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Mario Kart franchises are all penned as 'TBA' releases in every territory, giving us some hope, if not confirmation, they'll all make it out this year. Meanwhile, Kid Icarus: Uprising is also listed for a TBA worldwide release date, although that game is expected to launch soon after summer. Star Fox 3D had already been confirmed for a July release in Japan, but other territories are still awaiting a solid release frame.
Zelda fans can find some good news as Skyward Sword is still listed to release on Wii in every territory this year. Xenoblade Chronicles is officially acknowledged with a "2011" European release, while there's no mention of that game in the North America list, and no mention of The Last Story for any western region.
Other upcoming Japanese Wii games we're even less confident about a western release are Pandora's Tower, a new Kirby game from HAL, Rhythm Tengoku and another Fatal Frame title. Although we can all look forward to Wii Play Motion in the coming months.
What are you looking forward to this year? Sound off in the usual place...