News: Nintendo Responds to The Sun's Allegations

Posted 30 Mar 2011 at 21:26 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo respond to The Sun's report that gamers are feeling dizzy after playing the Nintendo 3DS.
British tabloid The Sun reported that gamers have taken to Twitter to complain about experiencing medical problems after playing the Nintendo 3DS. The tabloid quote one unnamed Twitter user as saying "the 3D gave me a headache, so I hated it," while another, also unnamed, reportedly tweeted "bumped into a friend and we played with a 3DS but it made both of us feel ill."
While Simon Byron did a search of Twitter and found no such quotes Nintendo has responded to the claims in a statement issued to MCV.
"We've had zero calls on this issue in both the UK and across Europe since Nintendo 3DS launch. It seems to have arisen from a few tweets and comments following the US launch this week. However if anyone in the UK is experiencing discomfort whilst playing Nintendo 3DS we recommend in the first instance they follow our advice.
Nintendo reminded customers that the 3D effect will be seen differently by each individual and gamers should adjust the distance, level and depth of 3D to a level that is comfortable for them. They also reiterated advice that regardless of age players should take a break every 30 minutes while playing in 3D and any concerned parents can switch off the 3D ability in the Parental Controls menu.