News: Nintendo Reveal European Figures

Six million Wii consoles, and 20 million DS handhelds sold in Europe to date, with a raft of software selling highly as well...

New figures released today by Nintendo Europe show healthy hardware figures to date, and also four Wii titles with over a million units sold each too. Top of the pile is Wii Play with an impressive 2.3 million units, followed by Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy, both with 1.3 million units. Mario Party 8 has also just passed the one million mark.

Meanwhile on the DS, Dr Kawashima's Brain Training; How Old is Your Brain? has topped 5 million units, with 2.8 million copies already sold of its sequel, More Brain Training. Way out ahead of anything else however is Nintendogs, the combined versions of which have sold a massive 8 million units across Europe.

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