News: Nintendo Reveal Sales Figures To Date

Want to know how many Gamecube, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS units have been sold to date, along with the top-selling Nintendo franchises? Click inside for the totals!

To date, the DS has sold an impressive 8.83 million units worldwide, with 2.37 million of them being sold in the US (the figures come from Nintendo of America). Meanwhile, software sales for the platform stand at 23.8 million, with 5.16 million of them being sold in the US.

The GameCube has recently hit 10 million units sold in the US, with 19.31 million sold worldwide. The Cube has sold 169.51 million units of software worldwide, 79.49 million of those in the US.

The Game Boy Advance (figures include original, SP and Micro versions) has now sold through 70.04 million units across the globe, 29.8 million of those in America. Software-wise, a whopping 296.12 million units of GBA software have been sold worldwide (it's all those Pokémon titles!), 128.34 million of those in the US.

Unsuprisingly, Mario games have sold 184 million units to date, followed by Pokémon in second place with 143 million units. Zelda titles came next with 47 million units sold, followed closely by Donkey Kong with 44 million. Metroid came fifth with 11 million units sold.

Those with good maths skills (or those who were listening carefully to Reggie's speech at this year's E3) will know of Nintendo's staggering 2 billion units of software sold worldwide. To be precise that figure is 2.09 billion worldwide, a figure sure to rise fast next year with the worldwide launch of Revolution...

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