News: Nintendo Reveals 'Xenoblade', 'Last Story'

Nintendo reveals two upcoming Wii role-players have seen name changes. Full details on these two titles inside...

RPG fans rejoice, as Nintendo adds two new role-players to its Japanese release list. Baten Kaitos developers Monolith Soft are developing a Wii title named Xenoblade, while Nintendo is partnering with Mistawalker to bring us a title named The Last Story.

But wait, are these really new titles? Apparently not. Xenoblade is apparently the new name for Monado: The Beginning of the World which was announced at last year's E3. Nintendo now also have a placeholder site open for it here - with some rather pretty music.

This is the first we've heard of the game since last E3, and we were beginning to worry it was another PROJECT H.A.M.M.E.R. situation - so it's good to get some confirmation the title is still alive. Especially when it looks so freaking cool.

See what we mean? Click here for more pics and videos!

Gaming blog Kotaku meanwhile reckons The Last Story could be long-forgotten title Cosmic Walker, first revealed in a reel of clips from upcoming Wii titles shown back at Nintendo's Autumn press conference in October 2008. Seemingly developed in-house, even less is known about this one, save for the few screenshots below.


Both titles are listed with a vague "2010" release date in Japan, while in other news, Metroid: Other M now has a slightly less vague "Summer 2010" release window. Any updates, we'll keep you posted.

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