News: Nintendo Says Consoles Aren't Over Yet

Posted 17 May 2011 at 06:01 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo disagrees with Fox News' claim that consoles are dying out.
North America's Fox News station is often controversial, or at least they are when it comes to gaming. In the past they have made numerous calls for violent video games to be banned, argued that titles such as Grand Theft Auto cause everything from juvenile delinquency to illiteracy and many more claims, which have come under scrutiny in the gaming industry who argue otherwise.
The news station asked "avid gamer" Mark Ormond, who enjoys dabbling on the Xbox 360 and Wii when he's not busy on his iPhone, what his opinion is. Mr. Ormond claimed: "I actually think consoles are a thing of the past... Why pay $50-60 for sequels of the same games on $300 machines when I can play newer experiences elsewhere in a lot less time � and for a lot less money � on devices I already use more?"
For the most part the points he raises are nothing new; mobile platforms offer cheap titles and the platforms themselves could be seen as cheaper (although with the total cost of a contract they are usually more expensive). However, his comment that they may be dying out caused Nintendo to respond.
In response to the claim Nintendo's director of PR Marc Franklin argued that there is still some life left in consoles. "Consoles display games on the biggest screen in the house... No other game device can match their impact. No other type of gaming brings people together in the same way." Nintendo will obviously wish to argue this case as they are due to unveil a new console next month but how long do you think consoles have left? Let us know below.