News: Nintendo Says Inbuilt Software is Killer App

Posted 31 Mar 2011 at 06:26 by Ashley Jones
The Nintendo 3DS inbuilt software has been described as its "killer app" by Nintendo UK marketing manager James Honeywell.
When the Nintendo 3DS launched last week it was missing a title from Nintendo's more popular franchises. While Pilotwings Resort and Nintendogs + cats were both based on popular games all Nintendo consoles have launched with a Mario title, except the Wii which launched with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Nintendo UK's marketing manager James Honeywell has spoken to CVG and believes that the console's inbuilt software is its "killer app", in the absence any franchise games. Mr. Honeywell cites the augmented reality features, Mii Maker and StreetPass as the most exciting and unique aspects of the Nintendo 3DS.
"With the AR games, the Mii maker, the quests and the ability to swap Miis, those are the killer apps and people should take the time to have a go on those. I'm sure they'll be surprised at the level of depth and ingenuity that is already there."
In spite of their belief in inbuilt software Nintendo are not solely relying on it however. Mr. Honeywell confirms that Nintendo plans to launch Mario Kart 3DS and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time before the end of the year. Nintendo has previously stated that the latter should be out in June while the former should hopefully see a release this year, "but you know, things can always change".
"I know from personal experience of being on the sampling tours that the game everyone ran to was Zelda, to get their first experience of it in 3D, so we know it's hotly anticipated, and hopefully we'll be making an announcement fairly soon so people will be able to find out when they'll be able to go and get it."