News: Nintendo Shrugs Off Mobile Gaming Threat

Posted 09 Nov 2010 at 18:26 by Aaron Clegg
The business model of mobile gaming is "yet to be proven" according to Nintendo UK's chief...
While some point to the ominous rise of the 'app culture' as a potential threat to more mainstream providers of gaming content, it would seem Nintendo aren't all that phased.
Despite the company reaping in invaluable amounts of their revenue from the handheld space, Nintendo UK's boss David Yarnton dismissed any potential threat posed to their dominance from the mobile market.
"The content we provide on our handheld gaming is far in advance of what you can pick up for a five minute, ten minute fix on a mobile phone. To some extent, you've seen there have been games [on mobiles] for ages and ages. In our industry there's always been talk about apps and things coming on... I think it's grown and there's so many of them, but the actual business model is yet to be proven to some extent."
There's no denying that companies can make a big splash on the mobile market by putting out cheaply made, easy-to-play games. The question is whether this market is eating into Nintendo's own. With unprecedented anticipation for the 3DS, we think it's safe to say Nintendo's bubble isn't going to burst any time soon.
But what do you think? Should Nintendo take more seriously the growth of the mobile market?