News: Nintendo TV Celebrates Donkey Kong

Posted 03 Dec 2010 at 19:07 by Ashley Jones
To mark the launch of Donkey Kong Country Returns in Europe Nintendo TV has a special retrospective about the monkey.
Donkey Kong finally returned to consoles today in Europe as Retro Studio's update of Rare's SNES classic Donkey Kong Country hit stores. To mark this release Nintendo TV has compiled a retrospective about the game series.
Wii owners can view the video through their console and relive the ape's previous games. Additionally Donkey Kong Country Returns is shown off in the new episode of Nintendo TV so anyone who is looking to see the game in action can always watch it.
Nintendo UK also had an unusual promotional event to mark the new game's launch today. As we mentioned yesterday the first twenty fans to pass through the doors of two branches of Game and one Gamestation were given the title in exchange for a bunch of bananas.
Gamers who braved the cold (at least on Oxford Street as the Game in Dudley is in a shopping centre) were entertained by monkeys to keep their spirits high while their temperatures dropped. Around 30-40 people queued up outside the Oxford Street branch, as can be seen in the image below that is courtesy of Eurogamer.