News: Nintendo UK Discusses Advertising 3DS

Posted 30 Mar 2011 at 06:51 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo UK's marketing manager discusses the problems of advertising a 3D console and how they tried to overcome it.
The 3DS is advertising in the UK alongside the slogan "seeing is believing" and unfortunately this is very true. While the 3D effect is impressive in real life it is difficult to get across in an advert, a problem Nintendo UK's marketing manager James Honeywell tells CVG he faced when trying to come up with the marketing strategy.
"It's been one of the trickier products that I've personally had to work on. We can't show the product benefit in 3D to consumers through TV and so forth, so it did stretch our imaginations a bit. I think what we've found is that when people play it their initial reactions are amazing, so that's why we embarked on our programme of sampling and recorded the TV commercials at the sample events."
Nintendo launched an advert showing the initial reactions of some people, viewable below, who sampled the console and it has been scrutinised by some as being fake. Mr. Honeywell defends the advert, stating: "These are people we took directly from our sampling events before they experienced it as part of the sampling."
While people may not be sold on the adverts themselves it seems that the 3DS is getting glowing reviews in the press. We reviewed it last week, and it can be read here, and we don't seem to be the only site enjoying the console.
"It's a rare privilege to work on a product that is so universally loved and accepted. All I can do is try and do everything to get as many people aware of that as possible, to get as many people to come down and try it as possible.