News: Nintendo Want Dads To Love Them

It's nearing Father's day, and Nintendo want us to give our dads something a bit more expensive than the usual tie...

Nintendo are planning to advertise for Father's Day. Instead of getting the usual tie, golf balls or a desk set, we should follow some simple guidelines.

Dads Love Being Smart: In what seems to be a final push to get Brain Training sales even higher before the release of Brain Training 2 is released, Nintendo recommend us to get our dads not just Brain Training, but a Nintendo DS just for himself.

Dads Love Remotes: It's a well known fact that the dad of the family is the one who is always in charge of the TV remote. Nintendo want us to give our dads... you guessed it, a Wii Remote, so he can join in with Wii gaming sessions. This is also a good trick if you want to buy something that is useful to you.

Dads Love Competition: Nintendo want us to get our Dads Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree, and show him who really is the smartest. For those of us who are near New York, you can get your Dads to visit Nintendo World and partake in a Big Brain Academy competition.

Dads Love Discounts: One for those in the US. Dads who visit Nintendo World in New York with their kids will get a 10% discount on everything.

Dads Love to Reminisce: The good ol' days were when your dads were young. Your dads may remember playing games on the NES, Mega Drive and SNES. As you've no doubt guessed, this is to advertise the Wii's Virtual Console, and Nintendo recommend us to get our dads some Wii Points.

Will you be getting your dad some Nintendo-related gifts this year? Will you spend as much money as getting him a brand-new DS?

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