Nintendogs : Chihuahua & Friends

News: Nintendogs In The Mail?

Nintendo of America is giving a select few of its My Nintendo online members a version of the game early! And for free!

Today several registered members of the "My Nintendo" section on the Nintendo of America site got emails, announcing to them that they had been selected to recieve early copies of the game from August the 1st. All for free!

The emails seem to have been sent at random - although only members who have registered games on the site have got the emails, the process seems irrespective of how many games the user has registered. Some of those who have registered a couple of games have got emails, whereas some users who have registered dozens haven't.

The site employed a similar scheme a few years ago with the American release of Animal Crossing.

No news if Nintendo of Europe are going to do a similar thing with registered "Nintendo VIPs" in Europe, but maybe if a few readers go pester them they'll consider...?

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