Nintendogs : Chihuahua & Friends

News: Nintendogs Training Video!

Getting you ready for your furry addition to the family, we have a great video training you how to look after your Nintendogs pup!

The gaming phenomenon that is Nintendogs is set to hit Europe early October, but before then, Nintendo is keen you will be giving your puppy a loving home.

In the video you are taught how to teach your puppy it's name, how to pet them, and how to play with a ball, bubbles and a skipping rope.

Next up, you'll need to teach your pup tricks ("play dead!", "jump!") and train them up so they can compete in dog shows and competitions in agility tests and more. You'll also find out how to take your dog for a walk and see how your dog will love interacting with other mutts down at the local park.

And if you really like that sort of thing, you can dress up your canine pal in ribbons, straw hats and other clothes too.

Click on the link below to watch what I have to (grudgingly) admit is a very cute little video:

Nintendogs Training Video (17.5MB)

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