News: Nintendo's All Stars Tour UK

Nintendo's team of all star characters will be touring to rather remote locations in the UK this summer to promote their new games. Of course its all Mario's idea, and not some clever marketing ploy.

Want to play some of the Nintendo DS, GameCube and Game Boy Advance's hottest upcoming titles before anyone else in the UK? Fancy entering a trailer decorated with Nintendo characters? Enjoy events sponsored by Crusha? Want to know how to get away from all these questions? Simple. Join the 'Nintendo All Stars 05 Tour' this summer.

Unlike previous touring events, such as last summer's Donkey Konga tour the 'Nintendo All Stars 05 Tour' will be hitting family events and festivals to try and showcase their upcoming title to one of their key demographics. However if you're not one to go to small town family events, you may want to as a certain Hyrulian boy, cute bunch of dogs and a whole host of Pokémon will be waiting for you.

Nintendo are giving gamers a chance to try out the following titles at the events:

  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GameCube)
  • Nintendogs (DS)
  • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (DS)
  • Need for Speed Underground 2 (DS)
  • Pokemon Emerald (GBA)
  • Wario Ware: Twisted! (GBA)
  • Mario Party Advance (GBA)

GAME will be teaming up with Nintendo on this tour, allowing you to buy some of Nintendo's games from their onsite store. Convenient, but more so for GAME's wallet. As well as this every GAME store will be offering gamers a chance to pick up a ‘Nintendo All Stars 05 GameCube Pak’ featuring the much loved - and ever shiny - platinum GameCube, a controller, Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and any of the 'Nintendo All Stars' games (presumably the ones that have been released, but no ending date on this promotion has been included).

In addition to this, selected retailers across the UK will also be offering anyone the chance to get any ‘Nintendo All Stars’ game free when they purchase one from the All Stars game line up. Games available in the promotion include:


  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
  • Mario Strikers
  • Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
  • Mario Power Tennis
  • Mario Party 6
  • Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
  • Donkey Konga 2
  • StarFox: Assault

Game Boy Advance

  • Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation
  • Wario Ware: Twisted!
  • Mario Party Advance
  • Pokemon Emerald
  • Mario Tennis

Nintendo DS

  • Nintendogs
  • Metroid Prime: Hunters
  • Super Mario 64DS
  • Pokemon Dash!
  • Yoshi Touch and Go
  • Mario Kart DS
  • New Super Mario Bros

As always there will be other activities to pass the time if you somehow get tired of the games. This time around there will be a seven metre high Pikachu bouncy castle and Star Dash bungee run. To keep you refreshed Crusha will be providing their new no added sugar milkshake. Enough of all this though, the all important dates are:

  • Guilfest 15-17 July
  • Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show 26-28 July
  • Sunderland Air Show 30-31 July
  • Nottingham Riverside Festival 05-07 August
  • Eastbourne Air Show 11-14 August
  • Northampton Balloon Festival 18-21 August
  • Town and Country Festival, Warwickshire 27-29 August

Images showcasing the trailer, and the tour's logo, can be found below.

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