News: Nintendo's Big Guns Are Game Stars

ITV's videogame awards ceremony Game Stars took place today, with some of Nintendo's big hitters winning awards.

Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker and Super Monkey Ball 2 all picked up awards today at the Game Stars videogame awards ceremony. The titles beat off great competition, including Halo 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2, to win Best Adventure Game, Most Wanted Game and Best Arcade Game respectively.

The show, which had stars such as England footballer David James and ex-Lara Croft model Nell McAndrew presenting awards, seems to be getting mixed reviews from fans. The show's nationwide competition, to seek out the best gamer in Britain, also ended, with the winner, Scarborough's Ben Hinchcliffe (15), taking home all the next generation consoles, all the award winning games, all the games published by their chosen publisher for one year and best of all a ticket to E3, which takes place next month.

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