News: NMH2 Will Receive 2 Versions In Europe

Posted 10 Oct 2008 at 05:20 by Aaron Clegg
Settling news for No More Heores fans who like their action with extra red messiness, with the sequel being released in two versions across Europe.
Let's face it, we were all disappointed when we learned the European version of No More Heroes would not feature the over-the-top blood splatters found in the US game. Many were worried that the upcoming No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle would suffer a similar fate. As it happens there's good news for everyone.
Speaking with Eurogamer, Suda 51 elaborated on the game's European release plans.
"We won't be able to make the same game for all territories... For Europe, we're going to release two versions. One extreme version, and one with less violence."
Suda-san went on to acknowledge the controversy caused by the 'censorship' of the first game...
"The last time I did a European press tour, everyone asked me this... With No More Heroes 2 we want to please the fans too. I want the European users to be able to experience the extreme version."
The move will likely please harsh ratings boards, as well as appease gamers who missed out on the original in its rouge, liquid glory.