News: No GameCube Demo Discs

Head inside to find out why there is no demo discs included with the official Nintendo magazine.

We all have heard the rumours why there is no demo cd's included with the fench version of NOM. Some said is is because of the difficulty of design, others raised cost price, and the analysts say it is because Nintendo likes to be secretive about upcoming games.

Want to know Nintendo's real reason? Here is what Shiggy had to say about the absence of the demo discs:

Nintendo Magazine - Many of our readers asked us: why don't we get GameCube demos with the official magazine?

Shigeru Miyamoto - I do not want the players to have a false idea of a game. In a demo, the game is under development and never reflects really what you will feel with the final version of the game. It is thus so that the players do not have false ideas about a game which can still change, that I am not favorable to the demonstrations.

Apparently, we will not see a demo disc with the fench NOM in the near future. We can't tell you is the same goes for the UK version of NOM. We will keep you updated!

Source: CubeNation

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