News: No HD Support For Revolution

Nintendo have confirmed there will be no High Definition support for their next console. More details inside.

Nintendo of America's vice president of corporate affairs, Perrin Kaplan, has confirmed to IGN that no HD support will be included in the Revolution. High Definition televisions, though not availiable in Europe yet, are already out in America and Japan, although currently with a high price tag.

"Nintendo doesn't plan for the system to be HD compatible as with that comes a higher price for both the consumer and also the developer creating the game," Kaplan said. "Will it make the game better to play? With the technology being built into the Revolution, we believe the games will look brilliant and play brilliantly. This can all be done without HD."

Sony and Microsoft have already said their systems will both be HD compatible, so if HD does become very popular in the future, will Nintendo loose out?

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