News: No Hub In Galaxy 2

Posted 22 Mar 2010 at 15:34 by Stephen Thomson
The first 3D Mario game without a hub. More details after the jump.
In what may be a surprising move for some, Shigeru Miyamoto confirms that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will not feature a hub, making it the first full 3D Mario game to not feature one.
Instead of a central hub that will allow players to walk about and enter a world, they will have a world map to navigate instead. Miyamoto stated that this was for the convenience of the player who will get to "focus on the joy of the action instead of getting to each game course" and while at the same time, making it accessible to all the players.
Miyamoto also went on to say, "...we want them to understand as easy as possible where they should go next and which places they should go back to in order to get access to the remaining stars."
Was the first Galaxy hub enough for you or do you prefer the more 2D Mario game world map approach? Leave us your opinions below!