News: No Metroid Till 2008?

Posted 13 Mar 2007 at 14:02 by guest
Best Buy customers receive a worrying email notification.
It seems Best Buy customers in the states have received a email stating that Metroid Prime 3 Corruption has had a change of date and will be released on 12/31/2007. There has been no official confirmation from Nintendo about this but its worrying news for games across the globe.
Reggie himself, who just over a year ago was saying that Mario, Zelda, and Metroid would make up the unstoppable trio of big-shot games in 2007 that would make hardcore gamers want a Wii. Of course back then Reggie was also saying that there wouldn't be a drought of games for the Wii and that Metroid Prime 3 would make it out in "early 2007". While it may be too early to call it a 'drought', we know that the latest in the Metroid series won't be hitting for a while yet.
This could mean that Metroid wont hit PAL regions till early 2008.