News: No More Heroes Until 2010

Posted 17 Oct 2008 at 15:31 by Tom Phillips
And we're not talking about the TV show. No More Heroes 2 gets dated!
With the announcement of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle at the Tokyo Games Show, we've recently brought you initial trailers and the news that it'll be released twice - with two flavours - a bloody one and one for the kiddies too.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Marvelous have just announced that the European version won't be seeing release until February or March - 2010. Americans will be getting their paws on the game a month or so earlier in January 2010. A Japanese release date has oddly enough still to be announced.
No one wants the title rushed, so be happy in the knowledge we'll be bringing you all the latest on the title in the long run-up to its release.