News: No More Ringtones

Let the milking commence! Rising Star have signed a deal to offer No More Heroes content to mobile phone users.

Despite being a real gem of a game, No More Heroes hasn't sold well at all. Not even the prospect of creator Suda51 signing copies of the game and giving away free toilet paper did it for the Japanese Wii audience. However, the European publisher of No More Heroes, Rising Star Games, aren't willing to settle for defeat.

In an unexpected move, Rising Star have announced a new deal with FoneStarz to offer No More Heroes themed content to mobile phone users, such as ringtones and background images, via the Vodafone Live! service.

"It's a fantastic tie-in for a brand-new IP that has only been in Nintendo consumers' hands for two weeks. It confirms that we have a product that can break ground across markets and maintain a high profile. From the consumer's point of view it enables them to own assets that would ordinarily remain beyond their reach," says Martin Defries (the managing director of Rising Star Games).

Only a very small portion of the Wii audience actually own No More Heroes, and it's likely that an even smaller fraction of that audience actually own a Vodafone mobile. How well are Rising Star and FoneStarz expecting their new content service to perform?

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