News: NOA Shifts 2.7m Systems For November

Posted 11 Dec 2010 at 21:01 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo sells an impressive 2.7 million consoles in North America for the month of November...
As we zoom towards the lucrative festive period, signs for Nintendo are nothing but positive, with healthy sales figures for the month of November, via an official press release.
In North America, over 2.7 million consoles were sold to customers for the month, split between over 1.2 million Wiis and more than 1.5 million Nintendo DS units. The Thanksgiving weekend alone saw over 600,000 Wiis sold, around 50,000 more than the same period last year.
The booming sales are attributed the wide variety of hardware bundles on offer to consumers, including DSi XLs and Wiis packed in with ranges of Mario software to tie in with the portly plumber's 25th anniversary.