News: Official Moon Site Launches

Posted 27 Aug 2008 at 09:01 by Aaron Clegg
Renegade Kid's second major DS title gets its own website, featuring a plethora of new information, including screenshots and a brand new trailer.
Moon, available on DS this year, is the next major project from the up-and-coming American developer Renegade Kid. Gamers will know them for their last title (which is still yet to hit Europe): the bloodthirsty, scare-fest that was Dementium: The Ward. Moon sees players take on the role of a US astronaut in a tense, futuristic shooter that delivers the same quality of excellent 3D graphics seen in Dementium.
The official webiste for Moon has just gone live, and can be found here, or alternatively you can check out the new trailer - showing the real dark side to the Moon - just below: