News: Okami Coming To DS

Posted 01 Sep 2009 at 02:55 by Ashley Jones
A scan from the new issue of Famitsu has revealed that a new Okami game is being developed for the Nintendo DS.
The newest issue of the Japanese gaming 'bible' Famitsu has revealed that a new Okami game is in development for the Nintendo DS. Unfortunately no details have emerged yet about the game but a few screenshots are featured within Famitsu.

Players will once again be able to play as Amaterasu.
It was recently revealed that the popular Japanese convenience store chain 7-Eleven registered a product on their system called "Okamiden" as an identifying name for the new issue of Famitsu. As we reported earlier in the week Capcom recently trademarked the name "Okamiden". Thus it is logical to presume that the new DS title is called Okamiden but there has been no official confirmation from Capcom at present.
The game is scheduled to hit Japanese shores in 2010 but stay tuned to N-Europe for more information when it becomes available.