News: Okamiden Promises Uniqueness

Posted 27 Oct 2010 at 06:33 by Ashley Jones
Okamiden's Producer Motohide Eshiro has stated that Okamiden is a "game like no other".
With the impending release of Okamiden on the Nintendo DS the game's producer Motohide Eshiro has spoken about the title with a great deal of love. Speaking to Nintendo Week, courtesy of NintenDaanNC, he has stated that the title is a "game like no other" and promises a whole new experience.
He continues to promise a whole new gameplay style and heart-warming sound design and music. The original, Okami, was loved by critics and the public and featured beautiful graphics. The sequel promises to live up to its predecessor and offer a whole lot more.
If this has failed to convince you than Motohide Eshiro's teasing about the ending will no doubt win you over. "For those people who beat the game there is a special reward at the end. It's worth playing through to the very end, so please check it out."