News: Olympic Gold Medallist Trained With Wii

Posted 13 Aug 2008 at 10:19 by Tom Phillips
The winner of the men's 100m breaststroke has revealed his training regime: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. No, really.
Wow, you couldn't really get better PR coverage for your game than this. Not that Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games needs any more PR coverage, since it has already sold more than 10 million units worldwide.
One of those 10 million found its way into the possession of Japanese Olympic swimmer Kosuke Kitajima, who has gone on to win gold in this year's men's 100m breaststroke category. So, what helped him win?
"See, Mario does the breaststroke. And thus, it's perfect mental training for envisioning the actual Olympic hall."
Amazing stuff.