News: One Must Fall Possible

The upcoming PC game One Must Fall: Battlegrounds might be coming to the GameCube.

We recent spoke to Steven Harding from GMX Media about their upcoming PC game One Must Fall: Battlegrounds. One Must Fall: Battlegrounds is a 3D multiplayer fighting game that can be played online and offline. During the game up to sixteen players can fight in a huge arena.

While the game is only set for PC at present Steven Harding said to us that there are indeed plans for a console versions "but nothing has been set in stone as of yet." If the game does come to the GameCube we will be sure to tell you but for the moment we will tell you more details about the game.

In the game you pilot a huge robot by a 'natural link' which means you do the moves but the robot fights, which means less doctor appointments needed. The game boasts twelve arenas, eight robots, fifty pilots, customisation and much more. The game is due to launch on the PC soon.

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