News: Ono Talks Street Fighter, Capcom & More

Posted 01 Apr 2011 at 09:39 by Ashley Jones
Yoshinori Ono talks about his plans for the Street Fighter franchise, getting to grips with 3D displays and what character he'd like to see in a new Smash Bros. game.
Capcom's iconic Yoshinori Ono has been interviewed a lot in the last week while he has been in London and has spoken to The Guardian about Super Street Fighter IV 3D.
When asked at what point he decided he wanted to work with the 3DS he claimed, "two seconds after seeing it I knew I wanted to do something". He added: "In the next five seconds, I realised that 3DS coincided with where I wanted to take the entire fighting game genre. I knew that Nintendo's console was definitely going to be a stepping stone toward that. After seven seconds, the 3DS basically said, 'make Street Fighter' to me."
Mr. Ono's grand scheme is to make Street Fighter a "tool" so that everyone can play, "not just the elite". He believes that the 3DS has helped him to take the first step towards this plan and he intends to continue this in the future. Yoshinori Ono used a football metaphor to explain his point:
A quick metaphor: think of the Premier League. When Manchester United play Chelsea, you have the most professional, skilful players taking part, so any kid just out of school can't join that team. However, just because not everyone can play for Manchester United doesn't mean no one plays football. Until recently, we only ever aimed Street Fighter at the high end, we've been neglecting people who want to play at their own level. So what we've done with Super Street Fighter IV 3D is, we've retained the hardcore elements, but we've lowered the entry barrier, so people can play in the way they want to play, rather than having to aspire to be hardcore. We've established a very important milestone here.
The interview also discusses how Super Street Fighter IV 3D uses StreetPass and whether it could be applied to other Capcom games, what other Campcom franchises Mr. Ono would like on the 3DS and much more so be sure to check it out.
He has also recently spoken to Official Nintendo Magazine about what Capcom characters he would like to see in the Smash Bros. series. He claimed that he'd like to see M. Bison in the franchise "because I would like that mega villain to fall upon those Nintendo characters and cause complete chaos. That would be fun."
Additionally he would like to see Capcom's Mega Man in the series. Mr. Ono claims: "Mega Man really fits in that whole world. He has a high affinity with the Smash Bros. world."