News: OoT Will Be Last 3D Remake... Maybe

Posted 01 May 2011 at 11:42 by Aaron Clegg
Shigeru Miyamoto is tepid about the idea of more 3DS remakes... for the most part.
In an interview with The Guardian, Nintendo general producer and all-round legend Shigeru Miyamoto touched upon the upcoming 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Asked whether there were plans to remake other titles from Nintendo's past in the same way, Miyamoto seemed to suggest not:
"Not really. We would like to create more new titles. For example, this year we are making Super Mario 3D, but it's not really a remake of [the Wii's Super Mario] Galaxy. The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past could be one of them. I think it would be good to see that world with a layered 3D effect."
It isn't the first time Miyamoto has expressed an interest in a 3D version of the SNES classic. Surely a retro-dimensionalised(?) re-release of Link to the Past would be an excellent crown for the 3DS' eShop library.
You can read the full interview here.